Purpose of this search is to
Locate, by one or more search items, a facility licensed and inspected by the
Department of Health and Senior Services, Long Term Care program or the Health
Care Quality and Oversight Division, so that a complaint can be filed.
How to complete the search screen:
Complete one or more of the search options described below and click the Submit
ALL search options are OPTIONAL
Facility Location:
First, select a county from the drop down list.
Then, select a city from the drop down list. The system will only show you the
cities which are in the county you have selected.
If you do not know the county, select "All Counties"
Type of Facility:
Select the facility type. The choices are "All Types", Acute Care and Long-Term
Care. View the
definitions of these types.
If you do not know the facility type, select "All Types."
Facility Name:
Type all or part of a facility name. The partial entry does not need to be
the first letters of the name. for example, the entry "mount" will match
Mount Holly Center, Rose Mountain Care Center and others.
If you are unsure of the facility name, leave this field blank.